What is Math Liberty?

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Liberty Bell, Philadelphia PA, USA

A great many people have trouble with math. It then becomes a stumbling block for the rest of their lives. There is no reason for this! If you learn math, truly learn it and understand it up through the High School level, then it won’t hold you back, and can serve as a foundation if you chose to go further with your education.

The purpose of this site is to gently take the frustration out of math, and to help propel the student to success, for example with the math portion of many standardized tests.

It will require practice and effort on your part! The practice won’t be easy at first, but if you stick with it, (knowing with practice comes mastery) then you’ll surprise yourself with how your skills will grow!

“Work in progress” This site is currently under development, and the plan is to have free content and a subscription area where people can get extensive guidance and practice with standardized test prep.